Hydrotesting Paintball Tank Where To Go

Hydrotesting A Paintball Tank: Where To Go & What To Know

Paintball is a sport known for its exciting scenarios, for its level of thrills and spills as teams attempt to take each other out as quickly as possible. But one important safety feature which must be adhered to is the maintenance and Hydrotesting of paintball tanks. This is to ensure no issues may arise in regards to paintball tanks and its users. Read on as we explain the hydrotest process, and where to go in order to have it done.

Hydrotesting is a process where paintball tanks are tested to ensure there aren't any issues that may arise while it is in use. Whenever it is time for hydrotest, the tank will be tested for any weaknesses or damages that may not be visible to the naked eye. Each paintball tank must be hydrotested every 3 or 5 years, depending on the certification it carries: One is for 3 years, while the other is for 5 years.

For paintball tanks that require hydrotesting, you'll need to find the approved hydrotester in your area. Iceman Paintball, for example, is an approved hydrotester in the United States. They have years of experience when it comes to completing hydrotest of tanks from all major brands like Guerrilla Air, Modern Combat and Ninja. You can contact them for more information on hydrotest locations and the cost associated with it.

When you bring in your paintball tank for hydrotesting, you should expect the hydrotester to inspect the tank for any visible damage or corrosion. Next, they will fill the tank with pressurized air to check for any leaks or weak spots. This process usually takes about 15 minutes to complete. Once the hydrotest has been completed, the hydrotester will sign-off on the tank and provide you with a hydrotest sticker or certificate that will indicate that the tank has been tested and is safe to use.

By adhering to the safety regulations of paintball, it is of the utmost importance to have paintball tanks Hydrotested on a regular basis. This keeps everyone safe and warm knowing that everyone's tanks are safe and ready to go. With this knowledge, feel safe knowing you are fully able to hydrotest your own pistol when it is time to get it done. Find the closest hydrotester to you and book an appointment, if you don't already have one set up for after your next season.